Hi, I'm Debabrata Mondol. I’m the blogger behind this wonderful blog.
I’m here to help you and your adorable cat by sharing my experience with cats and giving som amazing cat-related solutions.

Natural Allergy Relief for Cats [9 Natural Remedies]

Like human, cat also suffer from allergies. These allergies can make them uncomfortable and various health problems. So, as a cat owner, you must find ways to provide natural allergy relief for cats. I will explain in details what allergies in cats are, how to identify them, and most importantly, how to offer natural allergy

Why Does My Cat Sleep Between My Legs?

why does my cat sleep between my legs

If You are a cat owner you might wonder, why does my cat sleep between my legs? When I bought Maklu (my cat) from my friend, surprisingly I saw he slept between my legs. We all know cats have unique habits so my Maklu is not different from this.  Many cat owners have noticed that their